

GO! 2025 meets with universities

GO! 2025 meets with universities

GO! 2025 meets the universities of Trieste, Udine, and Nova Gorica, students, professors, and chancellors.

Students, lecturers, and chancellors from the universities of Trieste, Udine, and Nova Gorica actively participated in the inaugural workshop of the project GO! 2025 meets the university, organized by the EGTC GO in the run-up to GO! 2025.

The event, held at the conference center of the University of Trieste in Gorizia, was marked by themes of meeting, sharing, and exchanging ideas. The chancellors of the three universities – Roberto Di Lenarda (Trieste), Roberto Pinton (Udine), and Boštjan Golob (Nova Gorica) – along with the president of the EGTC GO Paolo Petiziol, the Mayor of Gorizia Rodolfo Ziberna, and the Deputy Mayor of Nova Gorica Anton Harej, delivered brief speeches to inaugurate the project. Following this, professors from all three universities shared their experiences and ongoing projects related to GO! 2025.

Students played an active role in discussing the needs and potential of the local university environment using the "world café" workshop methodology. Lecturers and chancellors also engaged in exchanges of ideas and experiences. These interactions across all levels are expected to be vital in the project's continuation.

The initial meeting will be succeeded by the establishment of a study group and later a permanent participatory planning table as part of the GO! 2025 Outreach programme.

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