

Breakfast of Champions with the first GO! 2025 sponsor

Zajtrk prvakov s prvim GO! 2025 sponzorjem

The European Capital of Culture GO! 2025 has its first sponsor: KB Delniška Družba.

The company, based in Gorizia, operates on the border between the Slovenian and Italian economic areas, which is perfect for a cross-border Capital of Culture, and its main activity is investment management. Its contribution made possible for Slovenian creativity to be heard at a major international concert in Gorizia, when the band MRFY from Novomesto performed as a support group for the British band Editors.

Present at yesterday’s announcement was KB President Boris Peric, who stated that their focus is on investment in a common space, culture, and development: "We are a company that has lived in the Gorizia area for more than a hundred years and we care about the development of this area, so if we can help and invest in this area, it is a priority for us and it is important for us as well." We would like to thank Mr Peric and KB Delniška Družba for this contribution to the common culture and construction of the conurbation.

Also present at the breakfast were Nastja Bremec Rynia and Michal Rynia from the MN Dance Company, which is organising a series of events and workshops on dance as part of the Capital of Culture. They presented their point of view, i.e. how important it is to have financial support in the cultural field, knowing that the effect is beneficial for both parties, or as Andreja Repič Agrež, head of marketing of GO! 2025, puts it: "For the artists themselves, working with companies is important because they can learn a lot from them and get confirmation that what they do is important and that society appreciates it. But for companies, working with culturally minded people, artists and creative people in general is crucial because the only added value that companies create comes from creativity. A company that does not grow, develop new things and think differently will have difficulty surviving in the market in the long run."

Thanks to everyone who participated in the sponsorship announcement, which we hope will be the first of many more.

GO2025 News 231123 Breakfast Of Champions 01

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