Towards open boundaries, GO! Borderless

Nova Gorica and Gorizia share the same commitment: being the European Capital of Borderless Culture

On one side is Nova Gorica, built from scratch after World War II, once the dividing border between Italy and Slovenia was drawn. On the other is Gorizia, a cultural, administrative, and economic centre with an ancient history. GO! Borderless has a mission: to give voice to the combined heritage of a modernist city and a thousand-year-old city. To transcend their boundaries on a journey of reconciliation. 

The first step was to develop an innovative cross-border strategy, a strong sense of cohesion, and a joint communication effort. Between two countries, two cities, and many people. GO! 2025 overcomes the physical and cultural barriers between our societies to prove that cross-border governance has a positive impact on the growth of European suburbs, which are essential pieces of the EU mosaic. 

The result is the cultural and artistic programme of GO! 2025, whose unique projects go beyond borders and transcend the ordinary.

Discover the GO! 2025 team

A step into the past to understand the future

The multi-layered, unpredictable history of our region is a product of many different identities. Read all about to understand the present and help us build the future.

Discover the History
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Partners, sponsors and ambassadors

The European Capital of Culture 2025 programme would not have been possible without our partners, sponsors, and ambassadors.

The Bid Book for the European Capital of Culture 2025 Nova Gorica-Gorizia

The Bid Book is a key part of every European Capital of Culture. It outlines the program, projects and goals of the city applying for the title. Click here to browse through the bid book that in 2020 convinced the jury to select Nova Gorica and Gorizia as the next European Capital of Culture.


Enhance the Borderless Cultural experience of Nova Gorica and Gorizia!

Join the survey on cultural activities in the Borderless Area. Your responses will enhance cultural offerings and foster a more inclusive and welcoming multicultural environment that better meets the needs and expectations of the community. How to participate? 

It's easy! The survey is anonymous and will only take a few minutes of your time. Click the link below and help us create a more dynamic, inclusive, and culturally vibrant borderless area.

Join the survey!

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