

Only 366 days to GO! 2025

Only 366 days to GO! 2025

One year exactly from the start of the European Capital of Culture 2025 Nova Gorica - Gorizia.

Today, on February 8, 2024, on Prešeren Day, the countdown to February 8, 2025, – that marks the launch date of the European Capital of Culture 2025 Nova Gorica-Gorizia – officially started at Europe Square.

Despite ongoing renovations, the cross-border team from both cities selected this symbolic place – between Slovenia and Italy – to initiate the countdown. In fact, Europe Square is set to become one of the key venues for ECoC 2025.

The day continues with dance, theatre, music, films, and other events organized by GO! 2025 partners for the occasion.

Wondering why 366? No, we didn't miscount: there are exactly 366 days until the opening, due to the leap year!

Manca 1 Anno Alla Capitale Della Cultura 017
Manca 1 Anno Alla Capitale Della Cultura 177
IMG 2048FotoMatejVidmar – Kopija
IMG 1990FotoMatejVidmar – Kopija
IMG 2123FotoMatejVidmar – Kopija
Manca 1 Anno Alla Capitale Della Cultura 595
Manca 1 Anno Alla Capitale Della Cultura 600
Manca 1 Anno Alla Capitale Della Cultura 794

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