
149 projects from different European countries for the Borderless Short Films (Corti Senza Confine) call, in the production programme for GO! 2025. As a prize, financial support for five productions, either fiction or animation.
The call for Borderless Short Films (Corti Senza Confine) has been a success beyond any expectations, with 149 entries from across Europe. Borderless Short Films is one of the projects run by the Central Directorate for Culture and Sport of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, in order to support GO! 2025 and foster the creation of original cultural products across different cultural spheres. These products will serve as a testament to the significant event of 2025 and ideally form a cultural legacy.
Entries were received from various European countries including Italy, Slovenia, Spain, Germany, Ireland, and Norway, among others. The jury tasked with evaluating the projects will be chaired by Italian director Gabriele Salvatores and composed of technicians and film experts. The five winning short films will receive financial support of up to EUR 100,000 each.
Borderless Short Films project is supported by the financial contribution of the Central Directorate for Culture and Sport allocated to FVG Film Commission – PromoTurismoFVG, and wants to promote Gorizia and the cross-border territory through a call that provides funding for the production of five short films (fiction or animation). These films and their original stories are expected to showcase "Gorizia and the cross-border territory, their values, history, and peculiarities linked to being on the border at a time when the absence of borders precisely characterizes their designation as the European Capital of Culture for the year 2025".