

Andrea Bellavite and the Gorizia Walk (Walk 2 Spirit)

Andrea Bellavite and the Gorizia Walk (Walk 2 Spirit)

Andrea Bellavite is a theologian, writer, traveler, and director of the Socoba Foundation and the Basilica of Aquileia.

Andrea Bellavite is a theologian, writer, traveler, and director of the Socoba Foundation and the Basilica of Aquileia. Born in Verona, he has been living in Gorizia since 1968. He studied at the Pontifical Gregorian University and obtained a Licentiate in Dogmatic Theology. Then, he served as a priest in Aiello, Friuli, before being elected mayor of the same city. He has contributed to various newspapers, publishing houses, and radio stations. His great passion is hiking. In 2006, along with other travelers, he conceived and founded the Cammino Celeste or Iter Aquileiense – the route from Aquileia to Mount Lussari.

Just a few days ago, he launched a new project that will lead walkers from the Basilica of Aquileia to the Basilica of Sveta Gora on an 80-kilometer journey from Italy to Slovenia. The Gorizia Walk (Walk 2 Spirit), presented by Andrea Bellavite along with Father Bogdan Knaus, journalist and traveler Nace Novak, and Mattia Vecchi, is funded by SPF GO! 2025 (GO! 2025 Small Projects Fund), with the Franciscan Monastery of Sveta Gora and the Socoba Foundation as the main project partners.

"The idea came from the desire to link two significant places: Aquileia, renowned for its historically significant basilica erected after the Constantinian Edict, and Monte Santo. The journey starts in Aquileia and San Canzian d'Isonzo – sites steeped in memory and rich spiritual and cultural heritage. It then continues along the Soča River, passing through Sagrado and the Karst, recounting the narratives of World War I and II, as well as the scars left by recent wildfires. The final leg of the expedition – which crosses the Gorizia region, the birthplace of a new Capital of Culture – ends with an ascent to Monte Santo (Sveta Gora). From this point, the entire route unfolds, showing the magnificent beauty of the Alpine landscape, including Triglav, Krn, and the Kanin mountain range. The essence of the project lies in walking together in diversity to achieve the highest beauty."

Next month, Andrea Bellavite will also present his new book: a guide inspired by the two Gorizia regions, prepared for the European Capital of Culture 2025. Another valuable work contributing to the Gorizia and Nova Gorica regions. In addition to numerous articles on various theological, biblical, historical, historical-artistic, and socio-political topics, he has published, alongside Massimo Crivellari, the volumes L'Isonzo (2014) and Il Carso (2015). He is the author of Gorizia tra le nuvole. Un itinerario tra monti e città with Libreria Editrice Goriziana (2018). Also, Il Cammino celeste (2013), Lo spirito dei passi (2016), and La Basilica di Aquileia (2017) for Ediciclo.

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