

Aleksandar Hemon: growing up in Sarajevo

Aleksandar Hemon: growing up in Sarajevo

The world-renowned Bosnian-American writer Aleksandar Hemon (1964) is coming to Slovenia, his first stop will be in Nova Gorica.

On Tuesday, 5 December, on the occasion of the publication of the Slovenian translation of his book "This Does Not Belong to You", Aleksandar Hemon will talk to the journalist Ervin Hladnik Milharčič. The talk will take place at the France Bevk Public Library Nova Gorica.

Through his novel "This Does Not Belong to You", Aleksandar Hemon sketches his upbringing in Sarajevo in the late 1960s and 1970s in the form of memory fragments and glimpses. The writer, who takes the reader through the world with incredible ease, tells us of endless wanderings, explorations and games, of making friends and sometimes rather cruel tests of boundaries, of fights and bruised knees, vividly describing smells, colours, buildings and objects, as well as bits and pieces of reflections on the human capacity to remember and the importance of memory in our lives.

Hemon came to the USA as a refugee at the outbreak of the Bosnian war, and his literary career began at the prestigious New Yorker and then climbed steeply. His short story collection "The Question of Bruno" (2000) received an avalanche of excellent reviews and has been translated into many foreign languages. His second book, the genre-undefined novel "Nowhere Man" (2002), further cemented his reputation as an author, and brought him worldwide fame with "The Lazarus Project" (2008).

Alexander Hemon’s guest appearance in Slovenia is organised by Goga Publishing House as part of the European cooperation project Realis, co-funded by the EU Creative Europe Programme. The event is part of the Think Tank Train project, which is included in the bid book of the European Capital of Culture 2025 Nova Gorica-Gorizia, and the City of Books Festival. The festival programme is co-financed by the Slovenian Book Agency and the Municipality of Nova Gorica.

Photo: Andraž Gombač

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