Massimiliano Fedriga, the President of the Autonomous region Friuli Venezia Giulia, formally supported the Candidacy of Nova Gorica and Gorizia for the European Capital of Culture during the videoconference on Wednesday, 21. 10. 2020. The president was particularly impressed by the European dimension of the projects. He found the effort towards the common urban space of both cities that are nominating together for the title of the Capital of Culture especially admirable. The meeting, which was supposed to take place in Trieste, took place via videoconference due to the epidemic. Among the participants of the videoconference were also next interlocutors: Tizianna Gibelli, the regional Councillor for Culture and Sport, Klemen Miklavič, the Mayor of Nova Gorica, Rodolfo Ziberna, the Mayor of Gorizia, Milan Turk, the Mayor of Šempeter – Vrtojba, Matej Arčon, the President of EGTC GO, and Vesna Humar, Coordinator of the GO! 2025. Autonomous region of Friuli Venezia Giulia we are honoured for the support!