
Let's paint the city

9/14/2024 from 09.00 To 17.00

Točka ZKD
Gradnikove brigade 25
5000 Nova Gorica

Coloriamo la città

Painting the underpass by Točka ZKD.

Fino al 14/09/2024

The Goriška Paleta Cultural Association, which has been the cradle of gallerists, academic painters, art historians, culturologists and many others since 1993, is organising the painting of the underpass by the Točka ZKD in Nova Gorica. For this event, the Goriška Paleta Association is collaborating with the Cooperativa Culturale »Mazzini« ENDAS Association. The painting will be supervised by Gregor Maver, the Zagreb Gold Plaque and Austrian ESSL Art Award winning ambassador of the Dell'Alta Val Torre Association. The event will be held as part of the Crossroads of Culture: Nature without Borders Festival (Srečanje kultur: Narava brezmejno), which focuses on various cultural fields, such as literature, music, theatre, dance and visual art. The festival emphasises cross-border co-operation and encourages cultural development on both sides of the border.


Organizer email zkd.novagorica@siol.net

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