Storytelling Lab

Workshops for winegrowers, olive growers, fruit growers and producers of local delicacies.

STORYTELLING LAB for winegrowers, olive growers, fruit growers and producers of local delicacies. The workshops will be led by Dr Andrej Pompe, an eminent Slovenian lecturer, expert speaker and writer. He is an entrepreneur, communicator, artist, creative director and head of ideas and content at the international BrandBusinessSchool. Stories about wine, winegrowers, wine regions, local delicacies and their producers are not something new, what is new is that its importance has increased and the type of story has changed. The demand for local stories has increased. First-person stories about visiting a winery or a farm, about meeting winegrowers and growers are powerful. Stories in which wine or a local product is linked to some important event, some important person, some historical period, some geographical area are becoming more and more topical.


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