
Canti dalla frontiera: ogni pietra una voce, ogni voce una storia

6/26/2024 from 20.30 To 23.00
7/21/2024 from 21.00 To 00.00

Cormons - Krmin, Vipavski križ

Canti dalla frontiera: ogni pietra una voce, ogni voce una storia

SONGS FROM THE HOUSE OF THE LIVING: Opera-Melologue in ten scenes for reciting voices, mezzo-soprano and ensemble

"Canti dalla casa dei viventi" (Songs from the House of the Living) is configured as a melologue capable of combining original music with words, suggestions and emotions that weave a jagged topography of stories collected on a multiple, uncertain and ‘transgressive’ frontier, in the sense that it must be transgressed to acquire profound meaning, since it embraces and intersects life and death, geographies and wanderings, melancholies and laughter.

SONGS FROM THE HOUSE OF THE LIVING: Opera-Melologue in ten scenes for reciting voices, mezzo-soprano and ensemble, music by Carlo Galante, words by Angelo Floramo

Also performing: GO Borderless Orchestra. Event organised within the Piccolo Opera Festival. 

Commissioned by Storica Società Operaia di Pordenone. 

Sala civica comunale, Cormons, 26 June at 8.30

Grajska klet, Vipavski križ, 21 July at 9pm

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