Osmica Leban – Lipa

Osmica Leban – Lipa Lipa 3 a 5296 Kostanjevica na Krasu (Goriška) bozo.leban@siol.net

Osmica Leban – Lipa
Here you will be treated to typical Karst meat products that are left to dry in the Karst wind over the year. For those with a sweet tooth, there are homemade štruklji (rolled dumplings) available.

The establishment is located near the highest peak of the Karst region, Mt Trstelj, where fertile soil guarantees successful growth and a rich grape harvest. Velvety Teran pairs great with the local cuisine that evolved in the course of centuries as the result of farming and animal husbandry. Here you will be treated to typical Karst meat products that are left to dry in the Karst wind over the year: prosciutto, hard-cured sausage, salami, neck and pancetta. For those with a sweet tooth, there are homemade štruklji (rolled dumplings) available.

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