
Cervignano del Friuli


Starodavna srednjeveška vas in grad Strassoldo di Sopra je zibelka istoimenske patricijske družine in pomembno središče avstrijskega habsburškega cesarstva, pripada grofovski družini Strassoldo, ki ga je dala zgraditi pred več kot tisoč leti.

Lowland castles Strassoldo is a hamlet in the municipality of Cervignano del Friuli, in the province of Udine. It is a rare example of an ancient, extremely well-preserved and exceptionally charming medieval village. The cradle of the Patrician family of the same name, it provided the Habsburg Empire of Austria with a long line of important officials and generals. Today, the 18th century restoration of the monumental complex is evident, divided into the Castello di Sotto (lower castle) and the Castello di Sopra (upper castle), however, the shape of the ancient castle, used for purposes of defence and attack, can still be seen.

The Castello di Strassoldo di Sopra, like the adjacent Castello di Sotto, is nestled in the heart of the medieval village and surrounded by a centuries-old park with crystal clear spring water streams. It is a so-called “water castle” and one of the very few in Europe that still belongs to the same family that built it more than a thousand years ago: the Counts of Strassoldo. To get to the main part of the castle, you go through the Porta Cistigna gate and along the Borgo Vecchio as far as the church of San Nicolò. The complex is surrounded by a succession of buildings once used for agricultural purposes, as well as craftsmen’s houses, barns and the chancellery. A little further on, beyond a romantic rice mill, you enter the area of the Castello di Sotto. The interiors are still beautifully adorned with antique furniture and portraits of ancestors, with an atmosphere of a place where history has never been interrupted. The church of San Nicolò stands in the centre of the village of Strassoldo. It preserves, among other things, a Lombard stone cross, evidence of its antiquity. Castello di Sopra has a charmingly beautiful garden, created in the mid-18th century, where a 14th century Magnolia Passiflora gracefully dominates the surrounding space. Leaving through the Porta Cistigna, you can see an ancient 12th century mill, which was in operation for more than seven hundred years. Its old machinery is preserved inside.

Just outside the walls of the medieval village stands Villa Vitas, preserved in the heart of a centuries-old park crossed by a long avenue of magnolias that disappears into the vineyards of the estate, in the heart of Friuli Aquileia DOC territory. The stylistic features of the villa and a document dated 1776 (describing its status in 1744) trace the date of construction to between the late 17th century and the early 18th century. In 1937, the entire property was purchased by the Commendator Romano Vitas, the great-grandfather of the current owner who chose it as the headquarters of the family-run winery. All the most famous autochthonous wines of Friuli are produced, such as Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso, Ribolla Gialla and Friulano. All products, including grappas and sparkling wines, can be tasted and purchased in the company store.

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Palmanova Tourist Office
Borgo Udine, 4
33057 Palmanova
ph. +39 0432 924815

Gradovi v nižini 

Strassoldo je zaselek v občini Červinjan v videmski pokrajini. Je redek primer izjemno dobro ohranjene srednjeveške vasi. Je zibelka istoimenske plemiške družine, ki je Habsburškemu cesarstvu dala dolgo vrsto pomembnih uradnikov in generalov. Monumentalni kompleks se danes kaže v svoji podobi iz 18. stoletja, razdeljen je na spodnji grad in zgornji grad, kar še vedno pušča vpogled v ureditev starodavnega dvorca, ki so ga uporabljali kot obrambno in napadalno sredstvo. Grad v Strassoldo di Sopra je tako kot sosednji grad v Strassoldo di Sotto  postavljen v središče srednjeveške vasi in obdan s stoletnim parkom, v katerem so vidni kristalno čisti potoki.

Tik zunaj obzidja srednjeveške vasi stoji Villa Vitas, ki se nahaja v osrčju stoletnega parka z dolgo alejo magnolij, ki se vije skozi vinograde posestva v osrčju območja DOC Friuli Aquileia. Slogovne značilnosti vile in dokument iz leta 1776 (v katerem je opisano stanje vile leta 1744) kažejo na njeno gradnjo med koncem 17. in začetkom 18. stoletja. Leta 1937 je celotno posestvo kupil Romano Vitas, praded sedanjega lastnika, ki ga je izbral za lokacijo družinske kleti. Tu pridelujejo vsa najbolj znana avtohtona vina Furlanije, kot so Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso, Ribolla Gialla in Friulano. Vse izdelke, vključno z grapami in penečimi vini, lahko poskusite in kupite v trgovini na kmetiji.

Na voljo je brezplačen avdio vodič

Za informacije
Infopoint Palmanova
Borgo Udine, 4
33057 Palmanova
Tel. +39 0432 924815

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