
Ab Initio – an urban utopia

12/6/2023 from 19:00

Krilo Rusjan, Xcenter Nova Gorica

Ab Initio – an urban utopia

Presentation of the project Ab Initio from the GO! 2025 official programme.

The Ab Initio – An urban utopia project aims to rediscover the value of Nova Gorica's modernist heritage and to explore the process of building a new urban area from scratch (ab initio). Part of the project is also to explore other new cities, so that we can put Nova Gorica in a broader perspective and can begin to formulate new strategies.

Belgrade, Berlin, Paris, Rome: four capitals, four different ideas and approaches to city expansion or transformation. The idea of a new urban utopia for the 20th century is also to build new areas of existing cities, especially capitals, which thus show the direction of development for the whole country. How were these districts conceived? What were they intended to achieve and how have these objectives been reflected in their development over time? We will take a journey through four different approaches to the transformation of capitals.

You can follow the progress of the project
 on Facebook and Instagram.


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