Turistična kmetija Malovščevo

Turistična kmetija Malovščevo Vitovlje 68 5261 Šempas (Goriška) info@malovscevo.si +386 (0)5 307 88 90

Turistična kmetija Malovščevo
The Malovščevo farm is known for its hospitality, genuine local dishes and house dry meats. Alongside the seasonal dishes, choice wines are served from the home wine cellar. The farm also offers accommodations.

The Malovščevo farm is known for its hospitality, genuine local dishes and house dry meats. Flavours on the farm develop in the fertile Vipava Valley soil and burja wind. Alongside the seasonal dishes, choice wines are served from the home wine cellar. Closed groups are welcome on prior appointment. The farm also offers accommodations.

Not to be mised:

you can reach the agritourism farm by bus cuisine is a major focus of the farm, perfected and prepared by three generations
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