Pizzeria Frnažar

Pizzeria Frnažar Miren 222 b 5291 Miren (Goriška) frnazarpizzeria@gmail.com +386 (0)5 305 41 82

Pizzeria Frnažar
Frnažar has been making great pizza for almost thirty years. You can choose from more than 50 types of pizza made in the old-school wood-fired bread oven – fluffy, light and delicious.

Frnažar has been making great pizza for almost thirty years. You can choose from more than 50 types of pizza made in the old-school wood-fired bread oven – fluffy, light and delicious! At certain times you will smell the enticing aroma of fresh rosemary and homemade bacon, other times it’s prosciutto and mozzarella, sausage, leeks and cracklings in fall, and spring’s the time to top your pizza with boiled prosciutto, eggs, horseradish and asparagus.

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