Ošterija Žogica

Ošterija Žogica Soška cesta 52 5250 Solkan (Goriška) infozogica@gmail.com +386 (0)5 300 52 40

Ošterija Žogica
Žogica can be found on the outskirts of Solkan in a little sanctuary of nature, along the emerald Soča River, not far from the Solkan Bridge, with its view of Sveta Gora and Sabotin. The food is delicious and homemade, following the region’s ancient recipes.

Žogica can be found on the outskirts of Solkan in a little sanctuary of nature, along the emerald Soča River, not far from the Solkan Bridge, with its view of Sveta Gora and Sabotin. The food is delicious and homemade, following the region’s ancient recipes.

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