Kmetija z nastanitvijo Ferjančič
Gradišče pri Vipavi 11 a
5271 Vipava
Kmetija z nastanitvijo Ferjančič

The farm is located in the village of Gradišče pri Vipavi. It can accommodate 12 people as it features an apartment for 3 (with a double bed and extra bed), a studio for 3 (with a double bed and a single bed) and two rooms with three beds each. The first room features a double bed and a single bed, while the second room features a bunk bed and a single bed. Each unit has a private bathroom, A/C, TV and free Wi-Fi. The guests can also use the patio.
The area offers many opportunities for active leisure, hiking, cycling, sport climbing, paragliding etc. The Ferjančič family annually holds an osmica open doors where it serves homemade food and wine.
Not to be missed:
traditional breakfast option homemade wine e-bike hire (surcharge) covered bicycle and motorbike storage